

A central hub for health and wellness on Connor Quad.


It is not enough for students to do well at GA. We must ensure that they thrive. While many GA facilities have undergone incredible transformation, the need is great for a space that appropriately prioritizes the physical, 社会, and mental health of the GA community.


Although construction has begun, capital is still needed to fully fund this transformative project.

$9.6 of $10 million raised



社区 Health & 健康中心

新健康 & 健康中心 will have a significant impact in enhancing the total well-being of students and supporting the success of Patriot athletics. The centrally located space for athletics and wellness on Connor Quad will celebrate strong GA sports traditions and inspire our entire community. This new two-level structure, spanning more than 25,000平方英尺, will make clear the place that wellness holds in the life and philosophy of GA.

The new center will provide 625% more health and wellness space for our community—increasing from 3,995 to 25,000平方英尺.

Seven out of ten teens in the U.S. (between 13 and 17 years old) have named anxiety or depression as a major problem among their peers in the community. 遗传算法是 responding with the resources needed to care for our current and future students.

华莱士,J. (2019, September 26). Perspective: 学生 in high-achieving schools are now named an ‘at-risk’ group, study says. The Washington Post.

学生 of all ages will benefit from the Health & 健康中心.

Every student at GA—across all grades—spend time each day on mindfulness or physical well-being led by our 教师 and 教练. A dedicated space will support these essential life skills.

New building with large windows at private school in Fort Washington, PA

New health and wellness efforts to introduce all students to the importance of lifelong fitness

Renderings as of September 2022

New strength and fitness center for athletic training at private college prep school near Philadelphia, PA

Expansive new strength and fitness center with state-of-the-art equipment, plus spacious new areas for athletic training and team workouts

Renderings as of September 2022

Layout of potential lobby gathering space for visitor experience at private k-12 school in Philadelphia, PA

欢迎, light-filled lobbies and common areas for natural community gathering space, plus a GA Hall of Athletic Achievement, concession stand, and other features to enhance our visitor experience

Renderings as of September 2022

New dedicated space for wellness programs such as yoga at independent school near Philly

New dedicated space for mindfulness, yoga, and other wellness programs

Renderings as of September 2022

Centralized entrance to the existing gyms, pool, and Field House, plus an accessible nurse’s suite


新健康 & 健康中心 is thoughtfully designed to serve students, student-athletes, 教师, 教练, and our extended community.
  • Connecting the existing gyms, pool, and field house, as well as the 较低的学校
  • Expansive new strength and fitness center with state-of-the-art equipment
  • New dedicated space for mindfulness, yoga, and other wellness programs
  • Centralized, more accessible nurse’s suite
  • Spacious new areas for athletic training and team workouts
  • 欢迎, light-filled lobbies and common areas for natural community gathering space
  • Improved overall campus accessibility and ADA compliance
  • GA Hall of Athletic Achievement, concession stand, and other features to enhance visitor comfort and school spirit

We applaud the creation of this new facility to teach the significance of health and well-being to children at a young age.”

Krista and Reid Buerger P’28 ’30 ’33