遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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音乐 brings people together.


In the 较低的学校 Performing 艺术 department, we believe music is a language: written and heard, spoken and felt, appreciated and performed. We believe in play-based learning, and the connection between getting physical with music and a child's confidence. As positive stewards, we meet children where they are and guide them on their musical journeys. 音乐 makes the world a better place, and at GA the 较低的学校 is where it starts.


GA students have rich musical experiences during their 中学 years. They develop individual skills, 理解, and confidence through working in a collaborative, compassionate atmosphere. Regular performances throughout the year are celebrations of student and ensemble achievement. The curricular music program is augmented by an outstanding staff of individual instrumental and voice instructors, and extracurricular programs like Jazz Band provide opportunities to practice a variety of musical styles.


GA's 上学校 music program fosters self-expression, aesthetic depth, and artistic distinction in a supportive yet challenging environment. 学生 hone their skills in weekly one-on-one lessons in voice and instrumental study, and cultivate their passions through capstone performances, divisional concerts, and themed assemblies.