遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA



GA的经验-校友 & 父母的故事

“我的GA教育对我来说意义重大. Beyond the caliber of teaching and things that I learned, what I took away from GA are the relationships with fellow students and, 特别是, 我的老师们, 那是我在那里的时候建造的. My teachers didn't just show up to collect a paycheck; they showed up to make a difference and to invest their time in me, 让我成长为一个学生, 尤其是在这样一个动荡的时期. From ages 12 to age 18, especially as a female, is a crazy time of life. But these teachers were really there for me, and that made all the difference."
——Shelby Wildgust, 2012

生活后GA -校友的故事

Want to learn more about why 遗传算法是 the right choice for your child? 在我们的 进入页面 or call the 入学 Office to schedule a time to visit (267-405-7070). 我们等不及要见到你了!